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The revolutionary wearable breast pump that puts your comfort and convenience first. Say goodbye to traditional breast pumping methods and experience the freedom and flexibility of hands-free pumping with hola.


3 preset modes: Massage, Express and Harmonic Mode 


Each mode has 10 level


Included in the box:

1 x Motor unit

1 x 24mm Silicone breast shield

1 x 28mm Silicone breast shield

1 x 18mm Breast shield convertor

1 x 21mm Breast shield convertor

1 x 6oz / 180mL cup

1 x Slim membrane

2 x Valve (includes 1 spare)

1 x USB Type-C cable

1 x Dust cap

1 x Membrane cap (only using it when other traditional breast pump connects with the cup for handsfree pumping) 



  • Hands-Free and Portable: hola is a discreet and portable wearable breast pump that allows you to express milk conveniently and easily, without the need for bulky equipment or cords. Its compact design and lightweight construction make it perfect for on-the-go pumping.


  • Comfortable and Quiet: hola features a soft and gentle silicone breast shield that provides a comfortable and secure fit. The pump operates quietly, ensuring a discreet and peaceful pumping experience.


  • Customizable Pumping Modes: hola offers multiple pumping modes to suit your needs. Choose from Massage Mode to initiate milk flow or Express Mode for efficient pumping. The exclusive Harmonic Mode, a new and rare feature in the Hong Kong market, promotes milk flow while maintaining optimal comfort.


  • Easy Operation and Cleaning: hola can be operated with one hand. It has a streamlined design with only a few parts that come in contact with breast milk, making cleaning quick and hassle-free.


  • Long-lasting and Rechargeable: hola is equipped with a powerful rechargeable battery that provides approx. 2 hours of pumping on a single full charge. Its smart memory function remembers your preferred settings for a hassle-free experience.


  • Affordable and High-Quality: hola delivers exceptional value without compromising on quality. It is an affordable option that doesn't skimp on performance or functionality.


  • Versatile Fit with Multiple Breast Shield Sizes: hola includes four different sizes of breast shields to ensure a comfortable fit for all moms. This wide range of options caters to different mothers' needs and promotes optimal milk expression. Good news, in order to help you find an apporpriately sized breast shield or breast shield convertor to use, a silicone nipple ruler is free for you.


  • Interchangeable Pump Compatibility: hola offers versatility by allowing you to use the hola collection cup with other compatible desk breast pumps, such as THE ONE. This feature provides you with the flexibility to switch between pumps while enjoying hands-free pumping.


Act now and elevate your pumping experience with hola's revolutionary hands-free solution!


Hola Wearable Breast Pump

  • Hola免提吸奶器



    3款預設模式: 按摩,吸乳及和諧模式




    1 x 主機

    1 x 24mm矽膠喇叭

    1 x 28mm矽膠喇叭

    1 x 18mm小喇叭

    1 x 21mm小喇叭

    1 x 6oz / 180mL 集奶杯

    1 x 薄身氣膜

    2 x 鴨嘴閥(包括 1 個備件)

    1 x USB Type-C 充電線

    1 x 防塵蓋

    1 x 氣蓋 (當想將其他傳統吸奶器變成免提裝置時才會使用)




    • 便攜設計:hola是一款輕巧便攜的吸奶器,能讓您輕鬆方便地泵奶,抹去以往泵奶時給人一種笨重不便的印象。設計精巧細小特別適合外出時使用。


    • 舒適寧靜:hola採用柔軟的矽膠喇叭就能為媽媽提供一個舒適而順貼肌膚的感受。操作寧靜,確保私隱度高。


    • 切合個人需要:hola提供三款泵奶模式已滿足不同媽媽需要。按摩模式能刺激乳汁流動;吸乳模式能高效擠出乳汁;獨特的和諧模式是香港市面上比較罕見的功能,既能有效擠出乳汁,又能維持舒適感。


    • 操作簡單,易清潔:單手能輕鬆操作hola。工匠花心思在外型纖瘦的設計之餘,也減少配件的數量以方便清潔,省時又省卻煩惱。


    • 持久充電量:hola配備強大的充電電量,單次充滿電,可提供約兩小時的泵奶時間。智能記憶功能記錄您的設置,無需每次調整,輕鬆省心。


    • 價格實惠,品質卓越:hola絕對是市面上性價比高的產品。價格超值,同時在品質及功能上不打折扣!


    • 不同喇叭尺寸:hola配備四種不同的喇叭罩尺寸,總有一款喇叭罩適合您。選擇一款合適您的喇叭罩,能有效促進乳汁的分泌。好消息,為了幫助您找到合適的喇叭罩尺寸,我們為您免費附送一把矽膠乳頭尺


    • 兼容其他傳統泵奶機:hola 的整套配件可接駁傳統的吸奶器(如The ONE),能瞬間能變成免提裝置,提供最大靈活度。



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