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Cup valve allows milk to be transferred from the pump into the bottle.


  • Use with Hola Wearable Pump
  • Use with Express Cups 
  • 1 pair pack

Cup valves should be replaced on a regular basis when you have noticed a loss in suction on your breast pump, or a decrease in milk output.


Free of BPA, BPS, Phthalates and PVC



Prolonging the life of cup valves

  1. Before first use, you need to sterilise valves, but you don't need to sterilise on a daily basis unless profession advice. 
  2. Washing valves with warm, soapy water should be enough to clean them.
  3. Avoid washing valve in the dishwasher, frequent sterilisation, stream-sterilising in the microwave. 


We recommend replacing this part every 2-4 weeks for frequent pumping or every 2 months for daily pumping to maintain the optimal effectiveness of your pump.

Cup Valve

  • 杯的閥門 (又名杯的鴨咀)


    • 適用於Hola 穿戴式吸奶器
    • 適用於Express Cups
    • 1對裝




    1. 首次使用前,您需要對閥門進行消毒。另外除非專業人士建議,否則您不需要每天消毒。
    2. 用溫肥皂水清洗閥門已足以清潔閥門。
    3. 避免使用洗碗機中清洗閥門、頻繁消毒、使用微波爐進行消毒。

    如果頻繁使用,我們建議每 2-4 週更換一次閥門,或每 2 個月更換一次以保持最佳的泵奶效率。

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