Replacement part for Youha THE ONE, Aio
Available in sizes: 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 30, and 36.
1 pair included.
Free of BPA, BPS, Phthalates and PVC
*You can get more details how to choose breast shield in FQA
** Massage cushions for 24mm, 27mm and 30mm available (sold separately)
We recommend replacing this part at the first signs of wear, if damaged or every 3 months.
Breastshield / Breast shield / Flange
Youha THE ONE 的替換零件
提供尺寸:15、17、19、 21、24、27、30 和 36mm
包括 1 對
*您可以在 FQA 中獲得更多關於如何選擇吸乳護罩的詳細信息
** 24mm, 27mm, 30mm 另有其按摩墊出售 (獨立售賣)
我們建議在出現磨損跡象時更換此部件(如果損壞)或每 3 個月更換一次。